Stephen Crilly
Aug 20, 20212 min
International Efforts to Develop Character Education
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organization devoted to building a better world....
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Stephen Crilly
Nov 6, 20202 min
Virtue-Lessons of the Covid-19 Pandemic
A difficult challenge in a person’s life will test their virtues. A difficult global challenge will test the virtues of the world’s...
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Stephen Crilly
Nov 7, 20134 min
How to Help Future Generations
Will future generations look back to these years and thank us, or will they feel we did not do enough? For some of you, this question may...
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Stephen Crilly
Aug 3, 20133 min
Volunteerism and Ending Global Poverty
During the past few weeks, I have been attempting to prioritize the problems facing the planet. One reason is to determine how I might...
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Stephen Crilly
Jun 14, 20133 min
God, Virtues and the Future of the Planet
God can be defined in many ways. For the sake of this discussion, let’s say there is a God, or a God-like force, with a plan for mankind,...
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Stephen Crilly
May 8, 20133 min
The "Why" of the Boston Bombings, and What We Can Do About It
Every crisis or tragedy has its lessons. What are the lessons of the Boston bombings? When an individual experiences a crisis or tragedy,...
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Stephen Crilly
Dec 20, 20121 min
Character Education in Schools
The Sandy Hook tragedy is an indication of the need for change. Gun control is obviously one issue. Another that is rarely discussed is...
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Stephen Crilly
May 21, 20111 min
It Takes All 44 Virtues
If you look over the list of 44 Virtues, you will find that it takes almost all the Virtues, to one degree or another, to achieve...
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Stephen Crilly
May 1, 20111 min
Enlightened Wealth
"Enlightened wealth" is wealth ethically earned and wisely used.
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Stephen Crilly
Apr 16, 20111 min
How do you make the best decision?
If you are faced with a difficult decision, try reviewing the list of the 44 Virtues. One or more of the Virtues will be “in play.” The...
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Stephen Crilly
Mar 31, 20111 min
Balancing Joy, Compassion and Idealism
The virtue of Joy (or Joyfulness) encompasses those things that we do for entertainment and pleasure. For some, it might be a devotion to...
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Stephen Crilly
Mar 17, 20111 min
Corporate Ethics
The article from The Huffington Post (March 17, 2011) linked below leads to Ethisphere’s list of the 110 World’s Most Ethical Companies....
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Stephen Crilly
Mar 1, 20111 min
Virtues on the Global Scale
I would highly recommend listening to Naomi Klein’s talk “Addicted to Risk” recorded at TEDWomen (Dec. 2010). It is about 20 minutes. Her...
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